About website

“Don’t resign yourself to your own fate – learn the techniques and win!”

Yap Cheng Hai

About website



We need to perform actions to make our life happier. Every person is able to take the lead of his/her own fate having chosen the right direction in a long and winding life journey.

Welcome to the «World of professional Feng Shui»!

Наталья Журавель



My name is Natalya Zhuravel. I’m an author of this website and a consultant of International Feng Shui Forum. Since 2006 Feng Shui became my way of life and excellent opportunity to help other people to change the way and quality of their own lives to become more successful and happier!

I’m truly grateful to my invaluable Masters, whose tutorship and creative work served and continues to serve me as a source of inspiration and energy in Feng Shui practice.

I’m particularly grateful to Grand Master Yap Cheng Hai for the greatest wisdom and knowledge that he let me in!

Keynote idea of the site is to familiarize you with classical Feng Shui and to teach you to distinguish genuine Feng Shui knowledge from the other ones. Through this website you’ll be aware of the latest news and events of the Feng Shui world. I also invite you to visit Boutique Feng Shui®, where you could find a list of various Feng Shui means.

Feng Shui is a science that is impossible to comprehend just reading books. It can be even dangerous if you have mastered just a few techniques. It is a mastery that a teacher imparts to his apprentices. Knowledge of Feng Shui Master is a result of laborious multi-year work and study. That’s why at all times Feng Shui consulting was, is, and will be the best investment that brings money and success to your business, prosperity and well-being to your family as well as to attract good luck and to open up new horizons of your opportunities.

I sincerely hope that on the website “World of Professional Feng Shui” you’ll find a lot of interesting and useful things!

Wishing you prosperity, harmony and love

Natalia Zhuravel

Our website has moved! You can now find us at our new address: www.vip-fengshui.com